Our Hosting Organization Activities

TUFAK Tourism Folklore Research Centre - 2007-TR-87

Accreditation : Sending organisation, Host organisation, Co-ordinating organisation
Approval Date : 09/08/2007
Validity Date  : 09/08/2010
Location  : Ankara (Turkey)
Theme 1 : Art and culture
Theme 2  : Youth policies
Inclusion : Cultural differences, Educational difficulties, Health problems,Other

Project Environment

A. Project environment: profile of the organisation and local community
" Outline the project environment for the suggested voluntary activities, including the local community where the project will take place (e.g. geographical, social and economical environment).

" If the host placement is located in a live-in community, please include the rules and conditions that apply also for the volunteer.

Since its establishment in 1958, TUFAK actively carries out its activities on teaching and performing Turkish folkdances and folkmusic and particularly passing these folkloric heritage to the next generations. The youngsters actively participate in all our activities. We are giving opportunities to the youngsters to generate their own projects and creating them environment to implement those projects in their daily life. TUFAK, with its increasing member portfolio, has a longlasting relations with the youngsters who are accepted as a member of a family. From the youngest to the the eldest member, we all share the team spirit of being TUFAK member.

Every year, we focus on the high schools where the students mostly belong to economically and socially limited families. Through Turkish folkdances and folkmusic courses, we are trying to informally teach those students to become the members of the society and to be sensitive on the social issues, to share the responsibilities and have a vision for their future.

Volunteer activities within our hosting organization projects will have the same characteristics and atmosphere. Volunteers who will be participating in our projects will share the spirit of such a big and cooperating society and feel themselves as a part of this social group throughout their activities within the projects.

Our Club TUFAK is in Ankara. As being the capital of Turkey and having several well-known and successful universities, can be considered as a high level cultural and intellectual hub with its inhabitants. Ankara, with its 4,5 million population of which the majority is mostly students and government staff, provides economic standards which is quite higher than Turkey's average.

Terrestial climate in Ankara is dominant, dry and drought in the summers, cold and snowy in the winters.

As the projects will be mostly implemented in our Club, due to its location, there are always easy transportation facilities to the other sites of the capital.

During the hosting project which will be directly at the mid of the society, volunteers are expected to respect to the other cultures and be sensitive on cultural values. Family and social values in Turkey are quite valid and lively.

Volunteers will be residing at a fully-furnished flat in the city center.

B. Proposed activities for EVS volunteers
" Describe what you can offer to volunteers in terms of service and learning opportunities.
Project Name: " Sharing Through Folkdances"
The services that are foreseen to be provided by our Club through informal learning techniques to the volunteers of EVS are as follows:
- Teaching different regional Turkish folkdances
As we regularly teach and dance foklkdances in every weekend, the volunteers will participate in the courses for the beginners. Furthermore, we will provide special teaching sessions for volunteers
- Teaching the use of Percussion instruments in Turkish folkdances and folkmusic.
- Turkish language courses.
Intensive Turkish language learning programs in Ankara University Turkish Education Center

- Cultural Activities
Participating in all cultural activities organized by our Club.
- EU Youth Program implementations
To participate actively in Action 1, Action 2, Action 4 and Euro Med projects within European Youth Program
Volunteers will work in EYS for 30 hours a week (five days a week). 2 days a week will be leisure days. Furthermore, the volunteer will have 2 days a month as off-days. Weekly working program will have a dynamic standing comprised of Folkdances, Turkish courses, EU projects The program will be mutually arranged which is subject to the profile and dancing capabilities of the volunteer.
" Please, explain what will be the role of EVS volunteers in the host organisation.

EVS volunteer will be welcome as a member of our Club. During the volunteer's services cultural sharing and elimination of prejudices between the cultures through interaction will have priority.
Formation accumulated through the use of informal learning techniques will help all of us to pass the cultural heritages to the youngsters and the volunteer will be a vounteer representative of our culture in his/her country.
The volunteers are particularly expected to take part in Action 1, Action 2, Action 4 and Euro Med projects within EU Youth Program and share his ideas and experience on the issues with the other members.

" Describe the activities in which the volunteers could be involved and the activities the volunteers could create in your organisation. Give examples of typical activities for the volunteers.
The volunteers are particularly expected to develop a project in one of Action 1, Action 2, Action 4 and Euro Med projects within EU Youth Program and implement the project jointly with the other youngsters.
These will be to develop a project theme in Action 1, 3 and Euro Med projects, to identify the participating organizations or individuals, to prepare and implement the project,
The volunteers who are willing to participate in Action 2 will share their experiences, to assist to find hosting organizations.

C. Volunteer profiles and recruitment process
Please describe the profiles of volunteers you would like to receive in your organisation. Include information on how you ensure an open and transparent recruitment process as well as the overall accessibility of EVS to all young people. Consider further information about the type of sending organisation you want to cooperate with. This information can help the match-making between volunteer candidates, sending organisations and your organisation.

The following specifications will be asked from the volunteers who are willing to participate in the projects:
- Experience on traditional folkdances
- Adopting him/herself to our activities easily
- Desirous to the group dynamics and team spirit
- Respectful to the other cultures and traditions
- Creative and cooperative
- Having strong cultural and artistic capabilities
For a transparent selection of the volunteers, all of the candidates will be evaluated fastidiously and the best fit profiles will be chosen. We will use all means of media to create awareness among the youngsters on our project and to be broadly known. In case, the profile of the candidate is acceptable for us, the profiles of the volunteers applied through Sending Organizations that are working in this field and willing to cooperate with us will be preffered. Furthermore, we are willing to cooperate with the the active organizations in the filed of youth programs not only in this project, but also in other projects for the long term cooperation.

D. Special needs (if applicable)
If your placements are open to hosting volunteers with fewer opportunities, please provide information about the competence, experience and infrastructure and (human or other) resources available in your organisation to accommodate and support them
No special needs

E. Risk prevention, safety and protection
Please describe how you will guarantee a safe living and working environment for the EVS volunteers, how you will prevent risks and crises and how - in the case of EVS volunteers aged 16 or 17 - you ensure, child safety and protection.

First of all, all of our members are voluntarily ready to provide all necessary measures to provide full safety to the volunteer.
Until now on, there happened any problem with the previous volunteers as the flat is at the city center and our members can easily reach the volunteer timely in case there occurs any problem. Moreover, Ankara is one of the low-crime rate capitals.

As TUFAK is purely a non-profit seeking volunteer organization, we provide friendly and secure working environment to the volunteers.
Furthermore, we prefer to have regular and friendly communication with the volunteers and prefer to consider all possible risks and take the deterrence measures in advance to avoid those. We will ask the volunteer to have regular contact with his/her sending organization and inform the organization on the project development. Through our experience in previous projects, the sending organization which follows up the volunteer regularly also has an important role to avoid the possible risk and crisis during the project.

Motivation and EVS experience

TUFAK Tourism Folklore Research Centre was established in 1958 as a Youth Club. From its establishment till now on, it has been carrying out its activities in the fields of researching, teaching and exhibiting the folkdances and folk music.

TUFAK, which has been successfully representing Turkey in international festivals and organizations for the last 49 years, has its objectives to develop the creativity of the youth, to make use of their leisure time with productive activities, to enrich them through social activities, to create their awareness for protecting their cultural values and developing their manners and mentalities for unification among them and to exert its efforts to exhibit the different cultural values to be better known.

We believe that through EVS projects, we are able to provide more opportunities and chances to the youngsters in our organisations and all around Europe with a view to leading them to develop, equip and enrich themselves on the awareness for protecting their cultural values, respect to others and elimination of prejudice.

Our hosting project "2005-TR-24 Sharing Through Folkdances" were approved on 27.04.2005.
In this project, we hosted 5 volunteers from Hungary, Ireland, Italy, France and Germany.

As a sending organisation, we also sent some volunteers to different host project run all over Europe.

Description of the organisation

Our main objectives are to research, collect and compile the traditional Turkish Folk Dances and Music and to hand over those to the next generations. On of our other objective is to share our culture with different cultures and protect cultural heritages of Turkish Folk Dances and Music.

For this reason, every year, we focus on one school where the students are mostly from lower economical and social environment and try to teach traditional folk dances and music to youngsters with regular courses and bring opportunities for showing their intercultural outcomes to the public in Turkey and all around Europe.

All administrative works and activities are voluntarily done by the members of our Club. Our Board of Directors consists of nine members and elected for two years terms.

In order to reach our objectives and carry out our activities, we have several working groups. These are Dance and Music Groups, Social Activities Group, Research Group, Creative Drama Group. We also have European Project Groups which is divided into two groups as Group for Action 1, Action 2 , Action 4 and Euro Med sub groups.
Total number of active members of TUFAK is around 300 youngsters and they are working actively and efficiently in order to reach our main mission.

Contact Point

Organisation : TUFAK Tourism Folklore Research Centre
Address: Halk Sokak. No: 20/3 Sihhiye
Postal code: 06440
Town: Ankara
Country: Turkey
E-mail: tufak@tufak.org.tr - tufak.project@gmail.com
Contact: Mr. Melih Sadık ARAS (President)
Last update: 09/08/2007